Friday, January 20, 2012

Illuminated @ Nola's

I want to first of all thank all my friends for your support. It was great to see familiar faces at the show and had a fantastic time. A special thanks goes out to Carter for all of his help (love you)!

Illuminated @ Nola's Restaurant was my first show where I painted live! I was nervous to begin with but the other artist were super supportive friendly and made me feel at ease (thanks guys). So I set up started to paint and got lost in the atmosphere. The event was fantastic with live music, great food and people. Even though I had a cold painting for a evening in front of others was fun and would def. do it again. It was great to hear the response of people liking my work as I painted. Below are a few pictures taken by Alondra of the Event. Enjoy.

P.S. I have yet to finish the painting but I am def. liking its start.

My painting spot

Painting live 3Painting live 5

Brooklyn Carter and I

Carter, ME, Marissa, and SamAlondra, Carter, Myself and Rico

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