Monday, May 28, 2007

Fun with Angles

Bike, originally uploaded by susisco.

These are items in my home. Check out the play on the cross with the torso, the torso against the vase and within the artwork in the background. I love the layering effect of this angle.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


womanTree, originally uploaded by susisco.

This drawing I did a long time ago and it is still one of my favorite. I remember sitting one weekend afternoon w/a piece of illustrator board and a bottle of ink and dipping the pen to get create this drawing. I love working w/ink.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Remaining Postive

A week later, still remaining postive, certain personal events have made it difficult, but I'm keeping optimistic. I am weirded out and trying not to think to much about it, just freaked out a little on how it is exactly a week apart and these to somewhat related events have collided again. I wonder what this next week will bring me.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Alice Bag

Check out Alice Bag blog... she posted the video I took of a song from her show on sat. may 05.

Monday, May 07, 2007

A Suzie Weekend

Weekend, originally uploaded by susisco.

Here's a lil illustration of one of my weekends. I crack myself up, really I do... I love the fact that I can go from a dance club in hollywood meet up w/some fun people and stay up all night. Only to follow w/visiting my friend watch a boxing fight and then head over to Silver Lake for a punk show and meet more interesting people and stay up all night. Just ROCKS!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

devil egg

devil egg, originally uploaded by tinisima.

My friend drew this cute devil... ahhh poor evan.


scketches_face, originally uploaded by susisco.

A oldie but a goodie, I still love this small sketch. I don't remember when I did it, but maybe one day I'll turn it into something more. I keep coming back to it.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Remain POSTIVE at all times
it's HARDER than you THINK