Thursday, November 19, 2009

Design Portfolio LIVE!

Design Portfolio, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.


My new design portfolio is live. Along with this portfolio I am launching my freelance career. After many years of working in the corporate environment I have decided to go solo and tackle the various exciting projects that are out there, from information architecture to design and illustration or photography. Whatever is required I can pretty much do it. Pass the word.

Thank you my friends for all your support.

Comments/Critiques are very much welcomed.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

That's Wild

That's Wild, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.

While I was away I searched and found the art store. Walked five blocks bought some paints, brushes and canvas, which allowed me to sneak in a painting. The artwork was inspired by silliness and the fall.

Acrylic - 8x16"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Work In Progress

In Progress, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.

I've been busy working on some personal projects so stay tune for a new portfolio web site and new poster designs. Web site should be ready in 2 weeks. Posters a little after that.