Saturday, February 07, 2009

I Become The Art

I become Art, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.

Sometimes the art wears me...

Friday 2/06/09 bunch of friends got together and just went for it. Brenda wanted to photograph me with color and I said yes. I love colors and why the hell not. My friend Kris did the hair, I've always wanted a Mohawk and this was pretty close to it. It was a blast to shoot. The paint was kids paint so it washed off easily. I would def. do it again and go even more bolder. Hear that Brenda ;-)

This is one of the photos from the shoot.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Water Color Illustration

illustration013109B, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.

I'm in the drawing mood. I'm working on creating some new illustrations that have the botanical feel. This is done on watercolor paper the drawing itself is about 18" tall.