Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cancun, Mexico

cancun trip


I'm back from vaca. It was a trip of many firsts and of conquering my fear of large bodies of water. I was in the ocean everyday and did things I never would have imagined I would get to do and loved every minute of it. I swam in the ocean and entered it on my own (back story - I learned to swim last year and am terrified of going into the ocean). No need for holding hands. Then I swam w/dolphins, snorkeled (minor panic attack but got through it), kayaked, zip lined above the ocean, and even went into a Cenote! It was all terrifyingly exciting and glad I did it.

As for the rest of the trip lots of shopping and good food. I was lucky to have visited Playa de Carmen during their first art walk and had a taste of the local artistry. It was very inspiring and I'm newly re-energized.

I am once again in tune w/my creative side all the loud noises have gone away and am feeling spiritually lifted. My body, mind, soul feels light and ready for another round.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Cancun or Bust

Cancun Trip - 002

It's been 2 years since my last vacation. It's time to recharge again. This time I will be away for 6 days. I'm very much looking forward to nothing but sand, beach and adventure. Peaceful relaxation and fun exploration. Sketch book is def. packed!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Skeleton Flower

IMG_6845, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.

Color Pencil - size: 21x24"
This will probably be my last color pencil drawing in a good while. My carpel tunnel can't take it. I will attempt to work in water color and continue painting in oils. The brush is easier on my hand.