Sunday, January 27, 2008


sacrifice, originally uploaded by susisco.

This is just a reminder for myself. I need to focus on my goal and remember to give some things up so I may aquire what I really want to accomplish.

Note on the illustration:
It started out as a ink drawing on illustration paper but then I stepped over it and smeared it, so then I tried fixing it and just messed it up even more, even the knib of the pen broke and almost fell in my eye. Not a good night for me. Because of the pain it caused me I took the drawing into photoshop and just messed with it a bit more. I will be redoing and hopefully shit wont go wrong then.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Rough Expression

red, originally uploaded by susisco.

New Painting done, also updated on

Inspiration: Expressionism
Size: 9x 12"
I love Expressionistic paintings, the brush strokes and deep color tones. Like some of the works of Oskar Kokoschka and Emil Nolde (his faces I don't care for but the colors and brush strokes I like).

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sell Out!

In the spirit of the new year and trying new things I decided to open up my cafepress shop. Why not right! It's free and I'm online, seems to make sense. Visit my shop make suggestions and purchase.

Support This Site

or open up your own shop.

Design and Sell Merchandise Online for Free

Here's to a prosperous new year. I should try sleeping too.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I don't do pretty is LIVE!!!

My Art Site Screenshot, originally uploaded by susisco.

I don't do is finally LIVE!

I bought this url a while back with the intentions of posting only my artwork, but I never did anything with it for a few reasons. I was working long hours, didn't have much work to put on the site and wanted to create something easy to update. I still don't have enough of the type of work I want to display but at least I found a easy way to update the site. Thanks to paul stamatiou posts I can use my flickr set and update the site through there.

Quick and Dirty, LOVE IT.