Friday, May 06, 2011

Improvidus Apto quod Victum

improvise Apto Victum, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.

Improvise, adapt and overcome...

Illustration created for a friends office wall. She selected these words are her daily motivation.

Created in Adobe Illustrator and printed onto artist canvas.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Old School...

working, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.

Lately I've been working on some illustrations and have been using a combination of Abode Illustrator and old school sketching. Today I find myself on the drawing table enjoying the good old fashion pencil and paper format and had to share.

Overly priced drawing board propped up w/a block, .5 KOHL-I-HARDTMUTH pencil, Ottlite portable white light, rulers, and Bristol Smooth paper

Drawing makes me happy.