Today I had some fun with black and white paint . Started 3 paintings 2 tiny ones- 4x5" and a larger one -20x15".
The larger one is of a sketch that I have yet been able to get onto canvas the way I want. It's a image that will not leave me alone.
Small girl painting - I wanted to paint a sketch to look like a sketch. When I'm drawing figures I tend to draw them pretty abstract with big hair. I like the look so I wanted to bring it onto the canvas.
Small Necklace/locket - just that an empty locket.
Note about today: I was painting early in the day, I usually paint in the middle of the night. Lots of noise around, drills and saws (my dad fixing the back porch), it was irritating as Hell. So difficult to get into the zone and when there are distractions its even more aggravating.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday Fun Day
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Running on Empty
I ran out of white paint today and I feel great! Once again I'm back to the canvas and working on a few pieces. I have two pieces I'm excited about and a third piece that I'm not sure where I'll go with it. I'll keep you posted.
All this while trying to launch a major site at work by Oct. Good Times...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Found Art!
My long lost art is FOUND!
I did these illustrations back in college and I hadn't seen them since. Yesterday I was cleaning out my office and as I looked through one of my portfolios there they were. This is especially good news to me since I had recently thrown away a portfolio with water damage and I thought these illustrations were lots forever.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Lighting Class
Lights!! LIGHT?!!! LIGHTS?
I recently took a lighting class at the Julia Dean Photo Studio in Venice, Ca. I really like going there for the small classes and multiple class schedules. I took their lighting 101 class and this is what I ended up with. I still very much need to practice more and learn how to illuminate a photo and not just light it up. After my class I'm not so afraid to play with lights anymore and can't wait to shoot with friends and try different set ups.
Cheers! 1 AM POST - AWESOME!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I need to play the lottery and win it.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
POP Mouth
I'm starting to sketch out some images for my next painting. I'm still not sure what I will be painting. I started doing this image as a 12x9" acrylic painting which I then brought into Photoshop for some tweaking.
It's late I am tired, but at least I got a draft out, which is a big deal for me these days.
Monday, March 24, 2008
This one is done for a friend based off the smaller version I did a while ago.
I’ve decided to call this one Wonder. Here light and dark share in the mystery of what is and isn’t revealed. Everytime I look at it I think I need to add more, but then I sit and watch the mystery of both the dark and the light and I really enjoy the WONDER of it all.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
FLU + WORK = Me Away
Quick Catch up
I had the flu really bad and was away from the computer and paint brush for a bit . Now I'm back but I am extremely busy working on projects. I have no time to rest nor time to paint ;-(. Plus I'm trying to get my energy back. senses working over time
Hope you all have a great St. Patty's, where's my drink?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
serious small thing
Cosita Seria, that's me.
Words on the illustration are from a favorite song of mine...
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Artist Secret
Here's a little secret of mine, I have a hard time believing I am an artist. I work in the arts, I paint and draw whenever I can, but just never really can convince myself I am one. I can't stop thinking of art, and always feel the need to express myself through paint/illustration. So I leave my problem to not being dedicated enough, but how do you balance out the time?
There is always an excuse for not being a working artist:
- Full time job
- Freelance work
- Socializing
- Responsibilities
- Trying to have balanced life
Once the above is figured out I still need to work on my craft. Practice, explore, improve, do more. I think this year I'm starting to believe I'm an artist. I'm def. doing more, and sacrificing more of the above. This change has made me feel better calling myself an artist. Still not fully there but getting there.
Note about the picture:
This brush I've had for a really long time and has worked and still works wonders for me. I unfortunately can't read the brand name anymore and can't remember where I got it. I love my old brushes. I hope it lasts a while longer.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
This is just a reminder for myself. I need to focus on my goal and remember to give some things up so I may aquire what I really want to accomplish.
Note on the illustration:
It started out as a ink drawing on illustration paper but then I stepped over it and smeared it, so then I tried fixing it and just messed it up even more, even the knib of the pen broke and almost fell in my eye. Not a good night for me. Because of the pain it caused me I took the drawing into photoshop and just messed with it a bit more. I will be redoing and hopefully shit wont go wrong then.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Rough Expression
New Painting done, also updated on
Inspiration: Expressionism
Size: 9x 12"
I love Expressionistic paintings, the brush strokes and deep color tones. Like some of the works of Oskar Kokoschka and Emil Nolde (his faces I don't care for but the colors and brush strokes I like).
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Sell Out!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
I don't do pretty is LIVE!!!
I don't do is finally LIVE!
I bought this url a while back with the intentions of posting only my artwork, but I never did anything with it for a few reasons. I was working long hours, didn't have much work to put on the site and wanted to create something easy to update. I still don't have enough of the type of work I want to display but at least I found a easy way to update the site. Thanks to paul stamatiou posts I can use my flickr set and update the site through there.
Quick and Dirty, LOVE IT.