Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Fun Day

In the works, originally uploaded by Susan Morales.

Today I had some fun with black and white paint . Started 3 paintings 2 tiny ones- 4x5" and a larger one -20x15".

The larger one is of a sketch that I have yet been able to get onto canvas the way I want. It's a image that will not leave me alone.

Small girl painting - I wanted to paint a sketch to look like a sketch. When I'm drawing figures I tend to draw them pretty abstract with big hair. I like the look so I wanted to bring it onto the canvas.

Small Necklace/locket - just that an empty locket.

Note about today: I was painting early in the day, I usually paint in the middle of the night. Lots of noise around, drills and saws (my dad fixing the back porch), it was irritating as Hell. So difficult to get into the zone and when there are distractions its even more aggravating.

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